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Whatever you need finance for, we offer a flexible range of loans to help you afford it.

Funds to fulfill your dreams

The freedom to borrow and pay back slowly

Personal Loan is an all-purpose loan, offering you flexible repayment plans and the option to access additional funds after repayment over time. So whatever you’re financing, it’s easy to lean on us.

Help to buy a vehicle or generator

Auto Loan or Asset Acquisition can help you make your dreams of purchasing a new vehicle or generator a reality, by offering you up to 90% of the cost of the asset.

Short-term help with cashflow

If you’re suddenly faced with unexpected financial needs, we can help. Advance Facility allows you to get fast access to up to 50% of your net monthly salary.

Help towards buying or renovating a new home

Whether you're buying a new home, or renovating or refinancing the home you live in now, Mortgage Loan is the ideal way to finance it.

Easily manage your vacation expenses

Travel Loan offers you a simpler way to manage your vacation expenses, and includes discounts on tickets prices and hotel accommodation.

Help to get you to payday

Providing instant access to funds for emergencies, Salary Advance is a 30-day overdraft facility, offering employees of approved organisations access to up to 40% of their net monthly salary.

Standard Trust Bank


We are offering you lower fees when you do all your banking via our e-channels. It also offers free downloads of the new Standard Trust Bank Mobile App in selected countries, plus you can sign up to free Standard Trust Bank Mobile Banking, MobileMoney and Internet Banking. 


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