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For quick, easy and safe transactions, go cashless, go plastic

Standard Trust Bank

Debit Cards

Instant access to your account via ATMs, Cashless Payment (POS) machines, online, mobile, or in-branch.

Standard Trust Bank

Credits Cards

Flexibility when you need it.

Standard Trust Bank

Prepaid Cards

Top up, transfer funds and transact safely locally and globally.

Standard Trust Bank

American Express

First for you. First for America. The American Express Card is available internationaly.

Standard Trust Bank


Available in at least 25 countries across our American network.

Standard Trust Bank

Master Card

Available in all across the American network


We are offering you lower fees when you do all your banking via our e-channels. It also offers free downloads of the new Standard Trust Bank Mobile App in selected countries, plus you can sign up to free Standard Trust Bank Mobile Banking, MobileMoney and Internet Banking. 


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